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August 2018

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My Online Photography Workshop

This is how I learned to edit my photos

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Member since 11/2005

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Brianne Sheppard

Ah, I teared up when I saw you come back up in my Feedly! I don’t know you from Adam, but I read along with your blog from the beginning and I didn’t realize how terribly I missed getting updates. I hope all is well!

Cindy Mandernach

How weird. I was just thinking about you the other day...good to see you around again.


Karen!!! I swear three days ago I was googling you, just to see if you had moved blogs or were teaching somewhere else...I was using the pen that you had sent out with that huge binder and I missed you. AND HERE YOU ARE!! I'm just thrilled. And now I'm going to go sign up before I forget for two days and there isn't any space left. So many hugs to you and all your crew.

Amanda @ Click. The Good News

Miss you so much- it was such a joy to see a little mini-updates on your family and some noew pictures. Hope you are well & would love to have more blog updates.

Megan Riley

I have missed you!!! Welcome back. Hugs


Man, it's cathartic to read you again! Your posts are like a healing salve to me. I'd missed you so very much. I send you and your motley crew the biggest, warmest, most heartfelt hugs.



Andrea D

So good to see a post from you.


Obviously you have a lot of folks who still miss you, because I, too, was just googling you last week wondering how you were. We must have had a collective gut feeling you were doing something wonderful! So lovely to see your fun crew and see you all look well. xox


Loved to see a blog post from you! Hope everyone is getting along well and would love to see more posts! We miss you!


Nellie!!! Oh, how we have missed you, sweet friend. Was looking for an email that got sent to my TRASH folder when I saw yours...WHOOP! Are you back??? So much to catch up on and looking forward to the new class! You and your family have been missed by us all!!! <3 Helga

marianne b

So happy to see you! I have missed your blog immensely.


Hey! So happy to see you’ve dropped in! You’ve been missed so, so much! Very best wishes for on the success of this photography course!


Can you please please start your blog again?!!


I, like some of the others who posted, just randomly googled you today to see if you had ever come back to your blog. It definitely felt like a little nudge from God or something. Wonderful to see that you are starting to pick your camera up again and to read those sweet little notes from your family about your photography. Always loved following your blog over the years. Prayers for your family and blessings to you all.


OH! How I wish I had time in my class schedule to do this! I miss you and I miss your blog.


I've checked your blog from time to time to see if you had returned. Yours is one of only a handful that I bookmarked and read consistently. Your pictures, your words, family, all of it is just so down to earth and just like the rest of us. Loving, struggling, making it work, breaking it down, picking it back up. I am so happy to see a post from you.
God bless, prayers for you and your lovely family. See you around

Tina B.

Yeah! I always check your blog in hopes that you would return. I took a 1day class of yours and have followed you since. Your posting allowed us to learn about photography but also about the ups and downs of life. You handled all with grace. Thank you.

Dana F

It's SO GOOOOD to see a post in this loved little blog!!!!! I miss your writing and the beautiful photos of your family so much.
Congrats on the new project. It looks incredible!


Oh gosh, Karen. So bummed I missed this. I sure do miss your blog and reading up on what the kids have been up to. I miss your stories about your family. How is everyone?? How can Coley be 18?!! That makes Courtney the same age. I know Ross is pretty close in age to my oldest (she's 30.) How old is Annie now? I really, truly do hope you are doing well.

Ashley Schultz

I periodically go to your blog to see if there might be an update and saw this last night. Such a nice surprise. Thinking if you and your family. ♥️

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