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My Online Photography Workshop

This is how I learned to edit my photos

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Kim H.

You are awesome! Thank you!

Jennifer S

I always love your words as much as I love your photos. Great example!!!


Just what I needed to read this morning! I've got a goal coming up in less than a month and I REALLY need to focus on it. You are such an encouragement!


Thank you!!! This post is a keeper. I am entering a challenging new chapter in my life, and your words are gold.


Thank you!!! This was a huge encouragement and blessing to me today! I honestly think you are going to have a published book someday. Your words of wisdom, your transparency, your faith. Compound that with your amazing word pictures, gorgeous photos and stories turned into life lessons....yep....that's my prediction. Thank you for allowing us in. :)



You are amazing and I am thankful for you.


I have been following your blog for a couple of years. You are an amazing writer and I am always encouraged by your words. There are times when you make me stop and think about where I am in my life and yes, that is a good thing!

You and Josh Downs are awesome parents and are making wonderful memories for your children. I love reading about the trips you take and how Josh always makes a scavenger hunt list and also how you provide some type of community service on your trips. You are teaching your children important life lessons about how to help those in need and always give a helping hand. After reading about your trips, I want to travel from GA to Oregon to see the beautiful scenery/towns that you write about.

Keep doing what you are doing. You are making a difference in the life of your family and of others that you have never met.

Kelli Williams

You always say such wise things! I love that!


The last few days have been full of heartache and pain and this post is just what I needed today. Thanks for always sharing so honestly it really does speak to the hearts of many even though of us who read every post but don't always comment.


That was awesome! So inspirational!



Thanks for sharing this Karen, I loved the analogies. I have a half marathon to run in two weeks, I'll keep your words of wisdom with me on the really stinky hills, and super stinky, long and high harbour bridge, and at the 18km mark when I will really want to give up!


This was a good reminder! Thanks for inspiring me!

stephanie ackerman

AWESOME!! Love this.


I really loved this post---it was just what I needed to read last week from with all that is going on in my work life right now. Then, this weekend, I had a 10K race. I struggle to call myself a runner most days, but had been feeling a more confident lately. However, Saturday morning was a struggle for me. The first half of the race was okay--I was slightly faster than my usual turtle pace--but I pulled a muscle or something on one of the hills during the second half and the last 2 miles were so hard. Your post came to mind, however, and I finished the race a bit slower and a lot more sore, but I finished. P. S. My husband was waiting for me on the course and ran the last little bit in with me as well.

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