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Member since 11/2005

« New Hampshire (Part I) | Main | New Hampshire (Part III) »


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Judy Webb

Love meeting your New Hampshire family. So happy for your Dad.


What a great documentation of your time together in the "old stomping grounds". Especially loved seeing the expressions on your dad's face. You chose a perfect time of year....wonderful memories for you all.


Love that picture of you with your dad and sister on the sidewalk!


Karen this trip is so wonderful...........for you to really understand where your Dad grew up and the stories to school to fishing in the creek....what a wonderful thing for you to do while your Dad is here telling all the stories himself...this trip will be one of your most treasured...great photos. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane


Looks like you had such a fun trip. I LOVE the old buildings. I wonder if your dad has an east coast accent like my husband Bob has still after all these years living on the "left" coast.

Kelli Williams

What a great bunch of memories for your dad!

Juli Pelletier

I'm curious about all those Pelletier's that are listed on the war memorial....

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