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August 2018

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My Online Photography Workshop

This is how I learned to edit my photos

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Member since 11/2005

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definitely agree with you about the tree coming out of her head.
and the lighting issues---it's hard to see her face.


I LOVE your critique posts. I hope you continue to do more. Thank you! :0)


I also love these posts. It is so helpful to read them. Thank you.

Gina f.

These posts are so helpful Karen; thank you!!!

Gina Crowley

Very helpful. Love these posts.


Keep these up! I somehow got busy and haven't checked in in awhile...maybe it's contagious in Dec?
Anyway-I love this, all the key words I forgotten from the workshop that sent sparks thru the cobwebs in my treasure chest of Karens photog reminders.
I keep wanting to ask, I can't find it in my gigantic binder-maybe a should schedule a Skype.... But when shooting earlier than this in day, still that goldenhourish, in opens/natural setting when back ground is bright, but you want subject exposed right-how do/what do I change to not have super blown out background? It has happened a couple times and I can't figure out where to start.
Can't wait for the focus addition!


Thanks, Karen. I appreciate you critiquing my image. Hope you had a wonderful Cheistmas. XOXO,

christi in ma

I would love to see this be a regular feature. I learned a lot from your critique. I'm hoping to get a chance to take your class over the summer when the light is better. Dark, small rooms in New England in January aren't conducive to learning about light!

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