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Happy Anniversary! I'm always in hopes that my hubby will buy me something wonderful, but that's only happened once so now we're back to no gifts!:) But your evening sounds lovely!

Nicky from Okotoks

Happy Anniversary!! Last of the Mohicans is one of my all time favorites!!
We always do the no gift thing, but always have a wonderful homecooked meal (usually italian - in the blood), lots of wine and enjoy the night!!

It was wonderful to revisit your wedding pictures - beautiful memories and moments!!


Happy Anniversary! Those are my favorite type of anniversaries! Sounds like it was very nice. Love the pictures you two drew! :)


We aren't "Gifters" either! We live on Happy Anniversary Love Birds!!!


We didn't gift either this year. Someone got a new camera before Christmas and I'm pretty sure it was a Christmas, Valentine's day, anniversary, and birthday gift. Happy Anniversary!


Happy Anniversary. I can just picture you two on the porch and having the "girls" sneak out! Thanks for the link to your photos...SO beautiful. A delight!

Kathy R in NC

So sweet! Happy Anniversary! I'm always amazed at your creativity... these are the things your kids are going to recall when they grow up. They'll be talking for years about how fun you've always made everyday life.


Happy, Happy Anniversary, Karen!!
Glad it was a fun one for you both....sounds like my kind of "date" and anniversary celebration, too. :-)
Love and Best Wishes for 100 more anniversaries, just as happy and just as special.
Love you!!


Every year is to be congratulated! Oh how it gets better with time too! Thank you for sharing your wedding photos. Never get tired of hearing how you both met either :)


Happy Anniversary to a very cool couple!

Christine Veira

Happy anniversary! and i so loved looking at your wedding photos.


Happy anniversary!!


I know you are not the type to sugar coat anything. Matter of fact you are as up front about the real not so good stuff as anyone. But sometimes its okay to be real about how SO GOOD things are. And your little aniversary story is oh so good. You deserve it. From a single mom to a previous single mom, that kinda good stuff is such a blessing,and indeed something to be proud of. Happy Happy Aniversary Karen & Josh. Im praying you have many, many more! (P.s. why dont I ever get to sit next to hot guys on a plane?? lol)


Happy Anniversary!! I know you don't know me, and I've probably only posted a handful of times, but bear with me on the next part ;). Go back to your wedding photos (part IV) and scroll down to the black and white photo of you and Josh Downs back to back (the one where you wrote "...its just SO not me"). Now, listen to Justin Timberlake's new song, "Mirror", and stare at that picture. Perfect, right?


Josh's stick figures crack me up, especially next to your sophisticated dolphin. Simplicity! Happy Anniversary.

Amanda @ Click. The Good News

Happy anniversary! What a sweet idea...I just LOVED looking at all your wedding should share them more often :)

I want more stories of how you guys met & how he proposed :)

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