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Sadly, I'm one that made a pact & broke it! :( I hit a speed bump, and fell my butt down and haven't gotten back up since. But I need to. Seriously. I did give up soda (all forms, not just caffeinated), so now the exercise needs to come back into alignment to get me going again. I keep finding excuses (like today it is over 100 degrees in Phoenix... who wants to workout when it is over 100??). I'm confident that I can get back on track, maybe by next check in we'll see some results! :) I REALLY hope everyone else is doing better than I am! I appreciate the check-in, because it might just be the push I needed to get back in my running shoes!


I have been thinking about my committment to run 2 5k's this year lately. and, I have been really hard on myself about it.
So, I will jump up, get up, scoop myself up, and start running again.

Thanks!!! for the motivation to get moving again.

Appreciate you!


I either made the pact or thought yes, i will-can't recall...
I scheduled on my calendar for Tues and Thurs to be YMCA & running days then grab time on weekend as I get it. I'm running farther (not far at all) than I have in years and have been able to push myself a little more now that I've had cortisone shots n my hips ;)
Signed up for 2 5K's in May...Would LOVE to do the color run...maybe next yr. I"m curious though how bad it would be breathing all that in... (my debbie downer side always has to have her say in my head)


That's awesome Karen!! I am a big believer in goal setting in pretty much everything in my life. Especially with my running/cycling. It keeps me motivated and the fact is I just love the thrill and excitement of race day!!

I'm not out there to beat or race anyone. I'm out there to do that best I can do on that particular day.

I did my last full marathon on Jan 15th and then had a hysterctomy on Feb 6th so I've been trying to taking it easy. But I have my first 8k on Sunday, then half marathon #21 on Mother's Day and half marathon #22 on May 27th.

Good for you for signing up for your 1st half. It is my favorite distance!!

Hope you have a summer full of fun and fitness!


Awesome Karen! In the original post I committed to running a 5K...well, I didn't run the whole thing but I finished in 37:41, which was my fastest time yet. So I'm pretty proud of that. I really want to like running, but I just don't. I've given it about 4 months and I still absolutely hate it every single time I go out. I haven't decided if I will keep up with running or if I will go with something different yet.


I'm still in! My fiance and I haven't been as strict on running as I was hoping we would be but last week we started back up and ran 3 times last week as well as hit the gym afterwards! A friend of mine wants me to run in a 5k in a couple of weeks and I hope that my fiance and I will run one together before we run with his whole family in November! I can't wait to see everyone's pictures in 9 months! I'm sure by then I'll have some beautiful wedding pictures to share (we're getting married first part of December so I need to be at my ideal weight no later than November)! Keep it up everyone! It'll be worth it not only to achieve a personal goal but to feel and be healthier!


I had a good run on Friday but need to be more consistent-My first race is July 3 so I will start now about being more serious. Thanks for the motivation Karen-keep up the good work everyone!


Okay, I like being held accountable and this post was good to see.


wow, you are doing great. I've been on track with my goals...running a lot and cross training. Thanks for the motivation. I've lost about 5# so far...

Aimee B. in Oregon

Hi karen, one of 148 here. And I have thought A LOT about our pact just havent really done much. I am so happy that you are checking in.

~Aimee in Or.

Cate O'Malley

I was one who joined your pact, and definitely still here. My March goal was to walk 25 miles. I hit 18, which I am happy about, because if I didn't have the goal, I likely wouldn't have done anything. For this month, I did a 5k this past weekend (for autism) and a 5k last weekend (with my kids) for MS. I have also added another 5 miles of walking in addition to that, so, so far, so good. I'm going to do the NYC color run, and the DC one. After I saw the video you posted, it really is making me want to do the Philly one. Especially since it includes the steps from the Rocky movie. The July heat is what's giving me pause.

Nikki Mcanary

Me me me ! :) ran my first half marathon end of feburary:) and am committing to running the next in November (space coast half marathon ) and wanting to beat my slow time by 16 minutes :) here in fl it's to hot to run anything but 5k early in the morning during summer but will be training again soon. Took some time off to deal with other things but am back to the pavement this week:)

Miss ya
Nikki M
Florida :)


I am also one of the 148 and still IN! Got my new running shoes a little over a month ago and broke them in with it's time to HIT the pavement for some real miles ;) My next post will include the name of the race I sign up for!!


Checking in :) love this post!! I found a studio to take adult ballet - classes start in sept. Waiting til the boyfriend asks me and the kids to move in before I can officially put my pole up and get back to pole dancing. I did join a zumba class with my cousin so once a week we are sweating it out and giggling at not being the best at the moves, but hey we are having fun! And now that the snow is gone I am hoping to get in a few walks a week after work.

Steph S

If you signed up for the Leavenworth run on October 6th does that mean you're no longer going to Ireland? If so, I am soooooooooo sad because I'm signed up to travel across the Pond with you:)


Somehow I missed the original post so I am definetly a late comer to this party! I am with you guys :) I am going to run a 5k in 2012! I am motivated today by you and by my brother. Three years ago my brother and I were both very very heavy. Neither one of us has ever been lovers of exercise. Then my brother discovered biking. He has gotten more and more excited about it and has made a real life style change. Today he sent me a picture of himself, 150 pounds lighter. I am so inspired by him and by his triumph over his poor health. So I want to make that kind of change. I just went on my first bike ride of the season and I plan on making it one of many. Can't wait to send you the picture from my first 5k :)


I made the pact, and I still plan to make good on it by running a 5K. However, I somehow managed to fracture my big toe 6 weeks ago (exactly how I did it remains a mystery!), so I have not been able to do any running or exercising. Such a bummer! I did complete a 3 week detox :), and just in the past week I've slowly started getting back into a regular exercise routine. As a side note, I lived in Snoqualmie (Seattle area) for over 2 years, and the Leavenworth Oktoberfest half marathon sounds like a blast! Wish I could run it with you :)

Kerri Powell

Love that song! I wasn't one of the original 148 but I would love to join now! I just want to be able to run 3 miles without stopping :)

Melissa Priest

I was too afraid to publicly admit I was 'with you'. But I was. And still am.

In fact, I have my very first 5K this coming Saturday. And I am scared to death and it is taking everything I have not to bail out on it.


But I can't bail. To guarentee that I wouldn't bail, my family is sponsoring this race in memory of our daughter. The race is a 5K for the march of dimes and since we lost our daughter to prematurity, I figured it was a good fit. So, I have a $2500 sponsorship that says I will be there Saturday am ready to run. I may have committed to the sponosorship for my daughter, but this race is definately 'for me'.


I went to sign up for the color run near me a few weeks ago and it was sold out just the night before, I was so bummed, that looks so fun!! next time!


Don't remember the original post and what I said :), but running the color run in June with my bestie and sister and can not wait! Karen, you are so inspirational! Love your blog, love what you share.

Jen Spain

I'm one of the 148 - I've been riding my bike whenever weather permits and riding in the gym when it doesn't. I rode 40 miles on Saturday and 20 on Sunday, and 90 minutes in the gym tonight. I'm working on my goal of beating my time up Mt. Baker, and I think I'm on track right now.


Good for you!!! My first 1/2 was the Leavenworth Oktoberfest Half Marathon...and if they haven't changed the course...train for uphill at the very beginning and off-road in the middle...NO ONE told me about the off-road and I had no idea about that...right now I'm suffering from ITB painful...but I'm continuing to run through Chiro said that I 9 yr old daughter and I will be running a 3.5 mile run for Brain Cancer Awareness May 12th.


Yay to all the fun adventures to which you've committed! Such a fun array of them! Love it! There is a group of us doing Danskin in Seattle also...we'll have to keep our eyes open for you! :)


Mrs. R- 2 things. I went to the prom, and I want to come live in Annie's room, it is SO SO SO VERY PRETTY! You couldn't have a bad dream in her room if you tried.

Julie Pilch

I made a pact and I've still been keeping up the running but hit a speed bump or two a month or so back when I got back from holiday and got ill. I'm trying to get back to running at least 3 times a week and biking to the supermarkets and local village as opposed to driving. I lose a bit of faith as I can't seem to go very far or up my distances very much but I'm trying. Possibly doing a 5k fun run locally (but not sure I want all my friends seeing my fat red face) and still aiming to do the race for life later this year. Thanks for the motivation xxx

Tess Smith

my first 5k is THIS weekend. after reading your post about running the 10 mile with coley i ran a 10k. so i signed up for a 10 miler (what's 4 more miles, right?!) and i hope to be in good enough shape to complete a half in october.

i'm with you. and it feels good!


Great Minds think alike! I was JUST thinking, I really need to commit to a 5K this summer (as I committed to two this year, and so far have booked zero). I have twin 13 month olds, so maybe I've been running or working out once a week. STILL, I want to do it as I think I will mentally be in such a better place if I get out there and prove to myself that I can accomplish it. :) Thanks for checking in! I'm going to look at local races today!!! (Oh and that song IS pretty catchy)

Jennifer S

Love this post, Karen! I needed a reminder and a kick in the pants....sadly no I have made no progress. Completed 1 week of couch to 5K, then let my crazy life get in the way (and all its stress - which is even MORE reason to GET OUT THERE)

I WILL be running a 5K in November. That is still my goal. I do have one next sunday I could walk in, we didnt register ahead of time. (our school)

You are so right. I need to get back to my schedule.... even if my knee is too weak - keep walking anyway. I think early rising is the new plan... my day is too filled with work!

Heather Casper

I believe I was one that made that pact and of course I have fallen too :( but I am ready to get back up and GO!!! I signed up for the Detroit Free Press Half in October and I need to be ready for it and there is no better time then now. I, too, may not hit the bulls-eye but I sure am going to hit the target. Thanks for the reminder and the motivation.


I did not join in on the pact back in January but would like to now if it's not too late. My husband and I recently started the Couch to 5K program and joined our local gym. I've given up soda (probably the worst part!). And, funnily enough, we also signed up for the Color Run here in Philly as well as the MS Mud Run. I also think that I'm going to start training to do another 5K or possibly a half marathon in the fall.


you're going to LOVE the color run, its SOOO much fun! the whole fam should go, even if they don't run. THAT'S how much fun it is. trust me.


I will make the pact with you! Not sure that I will run it but I will definately walk it with you guys!!


The Color Run looks like a blast! And I don't run.
I didn't make the pact. But I have been doing Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 workout and after a week, I'm down an inch off my hips and an inch off my waist. I definitely feel better.


I'm better than I was in January but not nearly where I wanted to be by April. I've had an injury. I've had a breakdown (the hospital and everything) but I'm still trying. So I might be the closest to off the target you can actually be while still being on the target. But (sticking with your analogy) I'm on the target. And I'm getting closer.


I would like to officially enter in to your pact. I joined mentally back in January, and have had some ups and downs but I am full in now! Thanks for the accountability and transparency! :)


I made a similar pact with my BRF (best running friend) two years ago, and we just ran the Seal Beach 10K last weekend. I PR'd with my best pace yet, and she surprised herself by beating her goal time by nearly 12 minutes. We're running a half marathon on May 6th (OC half for everyone in SoCal) and the LB half on October 5th.

Keep on keeping on, everyone!


I am trying very hard to continue my training for a marathon that I signed up for in October. It is very hard making the time commitmment that it takes plus there are days I am just tired. BUT I am going to do it!!!!

Tanya A

I've not being dancing as planned. Neck issues still giving some issues, plus moving foo and craziness in new apt. Oy...excuses. I have, however, started a weight loss plan in earnest this past 2 weeks and am sticking to it. AND I'm starting to walk again with some regularly. On the right path, if not quite the one I'd planned.


I'm one of teh 148....and well...I haven't done jack! Well actually i did walk/run a mile a few weeks back. I have all kinds of excuses and they include lots of sickness but I am starting 100 miles in 100 days challenge with my sister/nieces on May 1st;) And my husb (who's never expressed a desire to run) and I read Born To Run and it is a totally awesome book!! You need to read it. Seriously, I think you should try barefoot running at least part of the time to soo if it helps your ITB.(you too Renee'!!) I'd be SO curious! I am now reading Barefoot Running Step By Step - you should check it out at the library. I so wish you'd let me know if you try it and if your pain goes away in a week, as some say, or at all. I totally am ready to take off barefoot after reading those books:) Can't wait to check in next quarter n tell you about my 100 miles;) You are totally amazing!!


I'm one of the 148 and very happy to see the guilt-trip (or I guess more appropriately, the reminder). I'm a bit behind but still committed to running a half marathon in January. Also looking at running a 4 mile race at the end of May. So keep the gentle pushes coming!!!

Dobrina Okorn

I, too, am trying to motivate! I did the Seattle Danskin with a group of friends last year and we're signed up to do it again this year -- I'll keep an eye out for you! My brothers conned me into signing up for the Tough Mudder in September, which is an eleven mile obstacle course through mud -- ack! Need to start doing some serious running and strength training, which means I should spend less time on the computer, but I'm also taking your photography course and there's not enough time in the day to work, parent, exercise, and have fun -- how do others balance???


i just signed up for the color run in portland!!!! woohoo! i can't wait. it looks like so much fun. now i just have to get moving!! ;)


Hey Karen...what a cool 5K and I love that song!! I'm one of the 148!! I've been trying to walk...sometimes life happens and we just need to get back up and start moving again! That's my dear hubby on the other hand ran his first ever Boston Marathon a week ago. OMGosh...85+ degrees in Boston in April...really?? He did it though, not in the time he wanted but with the hot conditions and a pain in his knee at mile 18 he finished and I was so PROUD of him!! That weekend I think I walked about 8 - 10 miles in Boston :) Thanks for the inspiration...keep it going girl!


I have made the pact and have kept it!!! I have lost 23 pounds in the meantime!! Running has never been my thing - but thanks to my running buddy (also a Karen lover), we have gotten together to not only get ourselves in shape but also help prepare her for her upcoming wedding in June...near Roseburg...if you're in for wedding crashing I'm sure she wouldn't mind!! We have also signed up for the Color Run in Portland. Can't wait to see you there! We will be ready for a photo op!! Love this check-in and can't wait to see where I am during the next one! Keep up the great work Karen!

gafas de sol ray ban

Interesting post and thanks for sharing. Some things in here I have not thought about before.Its really useful information
Keep it up…………….


unfortunately I'm one that made the promise and haven't really followed through. I've done some here then got lazy or busy, then did some again, not consistent at all, however, I've made some headway recently...I've just downloaded a program on how to train for a 5k so that is one of my goals. Also I've put my treadmill on my covered porch for those heavy rainy days when I can't run or jog outside. This way, I'll still be outside but not getting soaked. :)
Also, I might enter a contest, we'll see...

Kim Johns

I made that pact with you back in January, so far have only downloaded the couch potato to 5k on my i-pod and got some running gear but your post today has inspired me to stop thinking about it and actually do it. I think I'm scared of running but know when I start I will feel so much better so thanks for reminding us today :)oh and I have done a couple of 5kms on my exercise bike lol xxx

Heidi Doyle

Hi Karen,

I was not apart of your original pact. But I feel like somehow I've unkownly made the vow with you all too. I had my third baby (via c-section) 7 months ago and was bound and determined to get in shape after. I signed up to run my first 8k a few months back (Shamrock) and started out traing for that. I had not been a fan of running but the daunting task of running 5 miles will force one to keep going. I finished that 8k; 5 miles of running without stopping....goal achieved!! I was so proud of myself. That race turned me into a bit of an "addict". Ran another 5k a few weeks ago and was able to finish with about a 9:30 mile (which I know is not FAST but it's fast for me). Having that little bit of competition aspect has done wonders for my motivation. I'm eager to keep pushing myself/setting more goals.
I took a bigger plunge and signed up for my first sprint triathlon in July and have been training for it for about a month. My goal, similar to yours, isn't to place in the race but finish. Finish strong. Prove to myself that I am capable!! It's amazing how much better I feel about myself. Working out isn't a chore anymore it's something I enjoy and look forward to.

Thanks for your honesty/transparency and your eagerness to motivate others.


PS: Here's a link to a half marathon you might be interested in:

Heidi Doyle

Shoot! Disregard the link - it's sold out (I was contemplating signing up too).

Charlie (The Runner Beans)

I didnt make the pact with you in January, but I did make a pact with myself that I was going to run the marathon in memory of one of my best friends this year. And on Sunday, I did! I went from not being able to run a mile in October to running, non-stop for 26.2, proof that anything is possible. This gem got me through...'ONE DAY YOU WONT BE ABLE TO DO THIS, TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY'.

Unfortunately my training and full time job meant that I couldn't finish (start?) your photography course and do it at the right time, but I've printed out all of the sheets and am ready to start this weekend. Pysched!!

Heather Moll

wow, good for you for committing to those races - so awesome!

i finally started seeing a therapist to deal with the plantar fasciitis that has been plaguing me and keeping me from running for the past 2 years - this is huge for me. he's optimistic that i'll be running soon and there's a race in september that i plan to sign up for once i'm running - sooooo excited about that!

Janet K

I was off to a slow start this year as far as exercise.....but I have finally got it going...I will be running a 5k this year and maybe more!!


I am one of the 148 and I run my first half marathon on Sunday. Hoping to finish strong and be okay with however I do. Looking for the next run to sign up for.

Bernadette @b3hd

I'm not trying to run a marathon. This year. But I SO totally need to get up already. Get up and just go. I'm on board!



I'm still in....I just registered my daughter and myself for our first ever 5K, and I'm terrified! LOL I know it only 3 miles but I haven't been running AT ALL! Wish us luck! I will let you all know how we do!


Hola. I just wanted to post that I just finished my first 1/2 marathon on 4/29. 2 hours 16 minutes. My goal was 2 hours, so with that, I am doing another this Sunday 5/6. I am nuts. I also signed up for the Color Run in San Francisco with my husband and 2 boys (they don't know they are signed up for it yet). And a duathalon 5/20. I am not much of a swimmer but bike is my best, and run I can keep up.
Just thought I'd share. Keep up your training!!! Run Hard!!!


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Hello Karen!!! i decided to train for a marathon but was hitting several snags in that I HATE running and biking. So I decided to change my goal. I am not going to boot camp 3 times a week and thoroughly enjoying myself. Mostly I enjoy the feeling when I am done, but I do make myself go and do feel a bit more fit. This is my third week and what I like about it is that there are 12ish other people there also and I only work on beating MY personal best. So I simply try to do one more action each time I do it and then feel pretty proud of myself :) My colleagues and I have decided that since my last goal did not work for me, this is a great alternative :) (We are counsellors :))


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