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August 2018

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My Online Photography Workshop

This is how I learned to edit my photos

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Member since 11/2005

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i am so excited for class to begin on monday!!! i've been waiting a long time to take it & it is finally time. happy new year!

diane herman

Karen, I got your email and have what you asked for but I have stuffed the settings on my email account and it won't send. I am in California atm so need to find the phone number to ring for help and will try and fix it tomorrow. (My mum is waiting for an email from me too ops). Its annoying because I can receive them but not send


Just to say:
The money for Karen's class last January, was the best investment I've made for my photography. I've just seen a collection of photo's by her past students and they are testimony to a great teacher. Wow, wow, wow Karen AND thanks & wow! to those compatriots who shared their talents. Happy documenting 2012.

Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita

To anyone on the fence about Karen's class - definitely do it - it is a terrific investment in photography and your family. Trust me. And Clickin' Moms is pretty terrific too!


What a beautiful photo, the pretty light and those wonderful smiles, and YOU are in it. I am sure you are counting the days til Josh Downs is home...each day is one day closer! Hooray for 2012.



Have been following our blog for awhile and wanted to drop by and say what an inspiration you have been. Thank you for sharing your life so openly. Your's is probably the only blog that makes me cry (most recently I was crying right along with you through your triathalon - I have a 5k coming in February and am slightly terrified!). Oh yeah, I sleep with my husband's shirts too. I totally get that.


Laura M.

So excited to be coming back for round 2 of your workshop! Can't wait for Monday!

Robyn :)

Oh wow, Karen, that is a great idea about the shirt!! I will have to do that next time my husband deploys :)


As I was leaving work I briefly saw you running thru town...
had to drop some mail at the post office and thought about waiting to see if you came by and would shout out a HELLO !!
Didn't wait and alas saw you continue on towards the post office...
well no stalking today...
Just wanted to say HI

(Old No Bare Pages Girl)

 ♥ Debbie

Love this photo and this is the perfect word for you! I used to sleep in my hubby's shirt when he worked up in the Yukon and I wouldn't wash it for the longest time because I didn't want to wash his smell off.
Looking forward to Monday!! :)
Happy Birthday to you!! (at least I think it is your B-day) :)


I have two shirts that my hubby wore when he was home in Oct for RNR...One is on a pillow so I can hug and snuggle with and the other I use to sniff during the day when I am really missing him...which is always!!! :)


Hi Karen, I love the quality of your pictures. What camera and what lens do u use?

Lisa Bracale

Hi Karen, I have been following your blog for years and I must say you look fabulous. I love your blog post about your family and faith you are blessed as am I. Have a great 2012. Lisa


Thank you for participating, Karen! We love you on CM!! :)

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