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My Online Photography Workshop

This is how I learned to edit my photos

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Member since 11/2005

« Gold Beach (Part I). | Main | Just a few more. »


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Nancy Wyatt

Another round of amazing photos and I love your writting as well! hugs from Conroe TX!


I love all of the pictures, but the one with the squirrel is just too cute!

nancy in ks

Of all the things a woman could do to leave a great legacy, I don't think they compare to leaving a family that wants to spend their time together- in her honor-years after she has gone.


I am so envious of all of the members of your family gathered together to laugh, play, and just be with one another. How wonderful.


What fabulous pictures- and you looked like quite the skim-boarder!!

Jennifer M.

Beautiful photos! Even if the horizon is at a slant in that one, it's still great.


These are great...Talk about fun these sure did tell the story of a fun day.

Jennifer S

What a beautiful tribute to her, the photos and the story make me tear up :) LOVE the squirell


The picture of Ross and your mom may very well be my favorite picture ever.


i can't believe those squirrels were sitting on peoples LAPS!! ohmydog!! you guys have a great life. i just wanna hang out with ya'll all the time. many blessings to you and your family Karen!!


I just want to join your family. Will you adopt me? I mean seriously, I can't imagine seeing a family that has more fun together, laughs more together, loves more together. You are blessed! Thank you for letting us peek in!

tara pollard pakosta

Your family is so FUN!
reminds me of when I was little and we always
got together with aunts, uncles and cousins. it's different now that
we all have our own families and are too big to get together!LOVE THESE!


Loved, loved, loved them all!


i loved your pics, Karen! I can't believe how how much Kellys girls look like her. Very cute. I miss your gramma too. I get tears in my eyes when I think of her. She was a beautiful, inside and out.


Beautiful as always, Karen! Thanks for sharing! :o)


The squirrel shot was something else! Hey, you have a Seahawk fan in the bunch, that football thing is ramping up soon I here, must be Autunm. Thanks for sharing the beach and a bit of summer with us.


And apparently I haven't had enough coffee yet to type "hear" not "here"!


Just a question -- can you tell those of us who aren't in your classes why you preach to not tilt your horizon? Is it just a personal preference?
I've always kind of liked the wonky angles when the camera is tilted a little bit, so I was just curious why you say not to.

angi b

beach pics are my absolute favorite. keep 'em coming. I would never ever tire of these beautiful pics!

angi b

oh, yeah, and that squirrel pic was killer! OMG, you even make small animals into works of art. LOL!


And Grandma is smiling down and couldn't be more proud. Perfection!


Looks like a great time! Love the squirel!


What a wonderful way to remember your Grandma. I'm sure she was right there with you.


Beautiful! Love your photos and the stories behind them.


What a loving tribute to your Grandma!! Love the squirrel shot!! Hubby & I love Gold's so fact I think we've stayed at the cottage that's behind Ross in the first pic!! :)


Beautiful pictures to go along with what I'm sure will always be beautiful memories!!

Felicia Nguyen do u protect ur camera from getting sand??

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